This file was created by the TYPO3 extension bib --- Timezone: CEST Creation date: 2024-05-03 Creation time: 07-59-40 --- Number of references 2 article Towards a transportable aluminium ion quantum logic optical clock Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2019 5 31 90 053204 10.1063/1.5090583 S.Hannig L.Pelzer N.Scharnhorst J.Kramer M.Stepanova Z. T.Xu N.Spethmann I. D.Leroux T. E.Mehlstäubler P. O.Schmidt article Analysis of thermal radiation in ion traps for optical frequency standards Metrologia 2015 52 842-856 10.1088/0026-1394/52/6/842 M.Doležal P.Balling P. B. R.Nisbet-Jones S. A.King J. M.Jones H. A.Klein P.Gill T.Lindvall A. E.Wallin M.Merimaa Ch.Tamm C.Sanner N.Huntemann N.Scharnhorst I. D.Leroux P. O.Schmidt T.Burgermeister T. E.Mehlstäubler E.Peik