% % This file was created by the TYPO3 extension % bib % --- Timezone: CET % Creation date: 2024-11-13 % Creation time: 07-13-38 % --- Number of references % 7 % @Article { , title = {139 GHz UV phase-locked Raman laser system for thermometry and sideband cooling of 9Be+ ions in a Penning trap}, year = {2021}, web_url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.13532}, author = {Mielke, J. and Pick, J. and Coenders, J. A. and Meiners, T. and Niemann, M. and Cornejo, J. M. and Ulmer, S. and Ospelkaus, C.} } @Article { , title = {Quantum logic inspired techniques for spacetime-symmetry tests with (anti-)protons}, year = {2021}, web_url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.06252}, author = {Cornejo, J. M. and Ulmer, S. and Hammerer, K. and Borchert, M. J. and Nitzschke, D. and Schulte, M. and Bautista-Salvador, A. and Meiners, T. and Mielke, J. and Niemann, M. and Lehnert, R. and Ospelkaus, C.} } @Article { , title = {Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator}, journal = {Quantum Sci. Technol.}, year = {2021}, volume = {6}, pages = {024010}, DOI = {10.1088/2058-9565/abe51a}, author = {Tanaka, U. and Nakamura, M. and Hayasaka, K. and Bautista-Salvador, A. and Ospelkaus, C. and Mehlst{\~A}¤ubler, T. E.} } @Article { , title = {Elementary Laser{\^a}Less Quantum Logic Operations with (Anti{\^a})Protons in Penning Traps}, journal = {Adv. Quantum Technol.}, year = {2020}, volume = {3}, pages = {1900133}, DOI = {10.1002/qute.201900133}, author = {Nitzschke, D. and Schulte, M. and Niemann, M. and Cornejo, J. M. and Ulmer, S. and Lehnert, R. and Ospelkaus, C. and Hammerer, K.} } @Article { , title = {Cryogenic 9Be+ Penning trap for precision measurements with (anti-)protons}, journal = {Meas. Sci. Technol.}, year = {2019}, volume = {31}, pages = {035003}, DOI = {10.1088/1361-6501/ab5722}, author = {Niemann, M. and Meiners, T. and Mielke, J. and Borchert, M. J. and Cornejo, J. M. and Ulmer, S. and Ospelkaus, C.} } @Article { , title = {Towards sympathetic cooling of single (anti-)protons}, journal = {Hyperfine Interactions}, year = {2018}, volume = {239}, pages = {26}, DOI = {10.1007/s10751-018-1502-6}, author = {Meiners, T. and Niemann, M. and Mielke, J. and Borchert, M. J. and Pulido, N. and Cornejo, J. M. and Ulmer, S. and Ospelkaus, C.} } @Article { , title = {Observation of individual spin quantum transitions of a single antiproton}, journal = {Physics Letters B}, year = {2017}, volume = {769}, pages = {1}, DOI = {10.1016/j.physletb.2017.03.024}, author = {Smorra, C. and Yamazaki, Y. and Walz, J. and Quint, W. and Ospelkaus, C. and Matsuda, Y. and Blaum, K. and Tanaka, T. and Sellner, S. and Schneider, G. L. and Nagahama, H. and Higuchi, T. and Harrington, J. A. and Borchert, M. J. and Bohman, M. and Besirli, M. and Mooser, A. and Ulmer, S.} }